Are you looking for Chittagong to Chandpur train schedule and ticket price? Here is the details information, you will get details about the route. Chittagong to Chandpur train route is a very popular and busy road. Intercity and Mail express both trains are available in this route. Read through the article and make sure you get all information about the Chittagong to Chandpur train.
Chittagong To Chandpur Train Schedule
In the Chittagong to Chandpur train route there are two intercity train. Those are Meghna express (729) and Sagarika express (29). From Chittagong Meghna express departure time is 17:15 and arrival time is 21:25, Sagarika express departure time is 7:30 and arrival time is 13:00.
Note: For over sure please visit Bangladesh Railway Official website.
Train | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Meghna express (729) | No | 17:15 | 21:25 |
Sagarika express (29) | No | 7:30 | 13:00 |
Meghna Express (729)
The train code of Meghna Express is 729. Meghna Express runs Chittagong to Chandpur and reversely Chandpur to Chittagong. It leaves Chittagong Station at 17:15 and reach Chandpur Station at 21:25. There is no off day of Meghna Express.
Sagarika Express (29)
The train code of Sagarika Express is 29. Sagarika Express runs Chittagong to Chandpur and reversely Chandpur to Chittagong. It leaves Chittagong Station at 7:30 and reach Chandpur Station at 13:00. There is no off day of Sagarika Express.
Chittagong To Chandpur Train Ticket Price
Train has a flexible price range than other route. Within a limited price you can enjoy a comfortable and safe journey. I always prefer train journey because of cheap ticket price, comfortable and safe journey. Different types of seat category available there. The ticket price of Chittagong to Chandpur is given bellow according to seat category.
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon | 165 TAKA |
Shuvon Chair | 195 TAKA |
First Seat | 260 TAKA |
First Berth | 390 TAKA |
Snigdha | 374 TAKA |
AC | 449 TAKA |
Ac Berth | 673 TAKA |
Chittagong To Chandpur Distance By Train 205 KM
The distance of Chittagong to Chandpur route is about 205 KM. You can complete the journey within 4-5 hours.
Note: It is an approximate time. You may need more or less than this time.